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Clairvoyance Pure Bruno Moulin-Groleau Voyant Médium

Welcome: Bruno Moulin-Groleau, clairvoyant medium

I am gifted with the ability to perceive the past, present and future.

I have been using and developing my sixth sense for many years. First by initiation, as a young adult, as I perceived and had more and more precise intuitions, I learned to recognize and distinguish between the real and the unreal, the irrational and the possible. Above all, I learned to understand what Henri Poincaré, one of the greatest mathematicians of the early 20th century, said: “It is with logic that we prove and with intuition that we find. » ; I thus decided to go beyond the facts and sought to listen to this inner voice which guides me and helps me to describe, perceive, live a situation, a moment, a fact, a story, past, present or future.


Through practice, the development of my abilities with Maud Kristen  internationally renowned clairvoyant, I decided to devote myself fully to this divinatory art. It took me many years of reflections, observations, meetings, discoveries and learning, to offer you consultations by intuitive connection.  to silence the mind. This allows me to help you, accompany you in life choices, path or simply guide you towards your destiny.

Pure clairvoyance escapes space and time. When I perform a session of pure clairvoyance , I perceive, I feel, I live a situation, a fact. I see as in a memory. It's an amazing and special sensation that allows me to overcome the barriers of reality while perceiving real sensations.

Concerned about the consideration I give to all of my consultants, I undertake to be vigilant and attentive to compliance with strict rules .





©2011 Bruno Moulin-Groleau - 84 ter avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France -  Siren 531710127 - Partner with  L214 Ethics & Animals 

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